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  • Keenetic
    Giga 2

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Newbie (1/5)



  1. Thank you for your reply. What about open vpn, does it have the same limitation?
  2. Hi guys, hope to find you in a good mood and safe these tough days. I have Keenetic giga 2 where I have configured 2 segments: Home private Trade private. I disabled private segments isolation through issuing no isolate-private, so home segment can access trade segment and vice versa. I checked it by pinging hosts in the remote segment. I also configured L2TP server on my router with the following config Segment: Home IP pool: Clients can connect and all works fine. Remote client can ping any host in home segment. The problem is that client can not access any host in the trade segment. I tried to apply different acl rules to different interface and did manage to get the result. Is it even possible to configure the router make client see different segment rather it’s configured in L2TP server? OS version: 3.4.75
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