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Posts posted by TheBB

  1. 8 часов назад, progmaster90 сказал:

    Подскажите пожалуйста, кто в теме, что это постоянно выходит?

    Дублирование записей. Исправьте (удалите лишние записи) в файле "/opt/etc/opkg.conf". Удалите всё в "/opt/var/opkg-lists"  (`rm /opt/var/opkg-list/*`) и обновите списки пакетов (`opkg update`).

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 часов назад, Meccep45 сказал:

    и вот в 8 снова она.

    Тут можно меня смело пинать и дать в глаз... подготовил, но пропустил-забыл. Если не критично - можно подождать до следующей синхронизации. Или?

    Будет так:

     ~  # file Example1.png 
    Example1.png: PNG image data, 1337 x 1067, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
     ~  # 
     ~  # php fileinfo.php; echo
     ~  # 


    • Upvote 1
  3. KN-2110:

    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# ndmc -c show version | grep -E '(release|title)'
              release: 4.02.A.3.0-0
                title: 4.2 Alpha 3


    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -s localhost:79/rci/show/rc/ppe
        "engine": "software"
        "enabled": false,
        "engine": "hardware"
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# ndmc -c show rc ppe | grep -B1 hard | grep enabled
                  enabled: no
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# if [ -z "$(ndmc -c show rc ppe | grep -B1 hard | grep enabled)" ]; then echo "hardware enabled"; else echo "hardware disabled"; fi
    hardware disabled


    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -s localhost:79/rci/show/rc/ppe
        "engine": "software"
        "engine": "hardware"
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# ndmc -c show rc ppe | grep -B1 hard | grep enabled
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# if [ -z "$(ndmc -c show rc ppe | grep -B1 hard | grep enabled)" ]; then echo "hardware enabled"; else echo "hardware disabled"; fi
    hardware enabled


    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 часа назад, Santus сказал:

    Viva 1910, Entware на встроенной памяти, не запускается - не видит либу:

    на встроенной не тестировал (кажись, не помню)

    3 часа назад, Santus сказал:

    arti: error while loading shared libraries: libsqlite3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    запустить `ldconfig` для обновления кеша библиотек.

  5. Надо owrt`шникам "в глаз плюнуть", версии обновляют, а за содержимым не следят.




    ➜ ls -l *check* | cut -d' ' -f-2,4-
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 3620128 фев 23 11:32 innochecksum
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 3861704 фев 23 11:32 mariadb-check
    lrwxrwxrwx 1      13 фев 23 11:36 mysqlcheck -> mariadb-check


    ➜ ls -l *check* | cut -d' ' -f-2,4-
    lrwxrwxrwx 1      10 фев 23 11:36 mariadbcheck -> mysqlcheck
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 3730088 фев 23 11:36 mysqlcheck


    • Upvote 1
  6. 3 минуты назад, batonskij сказал:

    Что-то можно предпринять? 

    Не оно?

     ~  # opkg list | grep zigpy
    python3-bellows - 0.38.1-1 - bellows is a Python 3 library implementation for the zigpy project to add Zigbee radio support for Silicon Labs EM35x ("Ember") and EFR32 ("Mighty Gecko") based Zigbee coordinator devices using the EZSP (EmberZNet Serial Protocol) interface.
    python3-zigpy - 0.63.4-1 - zigpy is a hardware independent Zigbee protocol stack integration project to implement Zigbee standard specifications as a Python 3 library.
    python3-zigpy-deconz - 0.23.1-1 - zigpy-deconz is a Python 3 implementation for the Zigpy project to implement deCONZ based Zigbee radio devices.
    python3-zigpy-xbee - 0.20.1-1 - zigpy-xbee is a Python implementation for the Zigpy project to implement XBee based Zigbee radio devices from Digi.
    python3-zigpy-zigate - 0.12.0-1 - zigpy-zigate is a Python 3 implementation for the Zigpy project to implement ZiGate based Zigbee radio devices.
    python3-zigpy-znp - 0.12.1-1 - zigpy-znp is a Python library that adds support for common Texas Instruments ZNP (Zigbee Network Processors) Zigbee radio modules to zigpy, a Python Zigbee stack project.
     ~  # 

    или метапак

    ha-component-zha - 2024.3.1-1 - Zigbee Home Automation


    • Thanks 1
  7. из телеги https://t.me/entware


    Скрытый текст
    . /opt/etc/profile
    # PROMPT
    # colors
    blk="\033[1;30m"   # Black
    red="\033[1;31m"   # Red
    grn="\033[1;32m"   # Green
    ylw="\033[1;33m"   # Yellow
    blu="\033[1;34m"   # Blue
    pur="\033[1;35m"   # Purple
    cyn="\033[1;36m"   # Cyan
    wht="\033[1;37m"   # White
    clr="\033[0m"      # Reset
    # Set the prompt.
    sh_prompt() {
        PS1=${cyn}' \w '${grn}' \$ '${clr}
    ### opkg update
    opkg update > /dev/null 2>&1
    ### deps: coreutils-df procps-ng-free procps-ng-uptime
    ### processor type
    _CPU_TYPE="$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F: '/(model|system)/{print $2}' | head -1 | sed 's, ,,')"
    if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then
        CPU_TYPE="$_CPU_TYPE$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F: '/cpu model/{print $2}' | head -1)"
    printf "\n"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${ylw} %-30s ${wht} %-10s ${ylw}    %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "Date:" "📆$(date)" \
        "Uptime:" "🕐 $(uptime -p)"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${blu} %-30s ${wht} %-10s ${blu}  %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "Hostname:" "$(hostname -f)" \
        "Accessed IP:" "$(hostname -i)"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${wht}   %-10s ${grn}    %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "OS:" "$(uname -s) 🐧" \
        "CPU:" "$CPU_TYPE"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "Kernel:" "$(uname -r)" \
        "Architecture:" "$(uname -m)"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "Disk:" "$(df -h | grep '/opt' | awk '{print $2" (size) / "$3" (used) / "$4" (free) / "$5" (used %) : 💾 "$6}')"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "Memory:" "$(free -h --mega | awk '/Mem/{print $2" (всего) / "$3" (использовано) / "$4" (свободно)"}')"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${ctl}\n" \
        "Swap:" "$(free -h --mega | awk '/Swap/{print $2" (total) / "$3" (used) / "$4" (free)"}')"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${pur} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "LA:" "$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1" (1m) / "$2" (5m) / "$3" (15m)"}')"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${red} %-30s ${wht}\n" \
        "User:" "🤵 $(echo $USER)"
    if [ -f "/opt/etc/entware_release" ]; then
        printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${crl}\n" \
            "Dist:" "$(grep ^PRETTY /opt/etc/entware_release | cut -d'"' -f2)"
        printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${grn} %-30s ${crl}\n" \
            "Dist:" "Entware"
    printf "   ${wht} %-10s ${cyn} %-30s ${wht}     %-10s ${cyn} %-30s ${clr}\n" \
        "Installed:" "📦📦 $(opkg list-installed | wc -l)" \
        "Upgrade:" "📦 $(opkg list-upgradable | wc -l)"
    printf "\n"


    установить пакеты: `opkg install coreutils-df procps-ng-free procps-ng-uptime`

    править по вкусу (удалить, добавить, изменить вывод)

  8. Пакеты собраны для изучения процесса сборки (кросс-компиляции) проектов, написанных на языке программирования Rust, на официально не поддерживаемых архитектурах, и тестирования в различных конфигурациях.

    Для тестирования нужно установить пакет

    aarch64 - `opkg install http://bin.entware.net/aarch64-k3.10/test/arti_1.2.0-1_aarch64-3.10.ipk`

    mips - `opkg install http://bin.entware.net/mipssf-k3.4/test/arti_1.2.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk`

    mipsel - `opkg install http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/test/arti_1.2.0-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk`

    и настроить кофиг, активировав действующие мосты (bridges) (самостоятельно) и др. параметры, напр.,

    для запуска от root`a - allow_running_as_root = true

    или указать путь к каталогу кэша - cache_dir = "/opt/var/cache/arti"

    Для того, чтобы вывести требуемые параметры запуска, необходимо запустить с ключом "help", или "-h", или "--help" (последние две также и для подпрограмм).

    Пример запуска (после настройки)

    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# arti proxy -c /opt/etc/arti/arti-config.toml
    2024-04-02T10:20:08Z  INFO arti: Starting Arti 1.2.0 in SOCKS proxy mode on localhost port 9150 ...
    2024-04-02T10:20:08Z  INFO arti_client::client: Using keystore from "/opt/var/lib/arti/keystore"
    2024-04-02T10:20:35Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Marked consensus usable.
    2024-04-02T10:20:37Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Loaded a good directory from cache.
    2024-04-02T10:20:37Z  INFO arti: Sufficiently bootstrapped; system SOCKS now functional.
    2024-04-02T10:20:37Z  INFO arti::socks: Listening on [::1]:9150.
    2024-04-02T10:20:37Z  INFO arti::socks: Listening on
    2024-04-02T10:20:40Z  INFO tor_guardmgr::guard: We have found that guard [185.x.x.x:9001+ ed25519:Bf…] is usable.
    2024-04-02T10:20:42Z  INFO tor_guardmgr::guard: We have found that guard [5.x.x.x:143 ed25519:ty…] is usable.
    2024-04-02T10:20:43Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Marked consensus usable.
    2024-04-02T10:20:44Z  INFO tor_dirmgr: Directory is complete. attempt=1

    или запуск в фоне

    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# arti proxy -c /opt/etc/arti/arti-config.toml > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    или написать стартовый скрипт.

    Пример проверки (с интервалом 5-10 минут)

    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -x socks5h:// -s https://check.torproject.org/api/ip; echo
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -x socks5h:// -s https://check.torproject.org/api/ip; echo
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -x socks5h:// -s https://check.torproject.org/api/ip; echo
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -x socks5h:// -s https://check.torproject.org/api/ip; echo
    root@Keenetic_Duo:~# curl -x socks5h:// -s https://check.torproject.org/api/ip; echo


  9. 30 минут назад, BYNC сказал:

    Я в этом деле новичок, не очень понимаю ваш код, но вроде как это на вашем устройство оно есть, а в репозитории я не увидел.

    Расшифровка - запустить программу opkg с командой info для вывода информации о пакете polipo

    Ищите на своё устройство



    • Thanks 1
  10. 7 минут назад, BYNC сказал:

    По крайней мере пакета polipo в entware нет.

    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg info polipo
    Package: polipo
    Version: 1.1.1-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    Status: unknown ok not-installed
    Section: net
    Architecture: mipsel-3.4
    Size: 96074
    Filename: polipo_1.1.1-2_mipsel-3.4.ipk
    Description: Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy (a web cache, an HTTP proxy,
     a proxy server). While Polipo was designed to be used by one person or a
     small group of people, there is nothing that prevents it from being used
     by a larger group.
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $


  11. 1 час назад, Anvar Zalibekov сказал:

    Installing python3-fnvhash (0.1.0-3) to root...

    Пакет python-fnvhash (как и нек-рые другие) завезли в OpenWrt, у него PKG_RELEASE:=1

    Удалить пакет и установить снова:

    opkg remove python3-fnvhash --force-depends
    opkg install python3-fnvhash

    В "тяжелых" случаях, когда запись о пакете осталась в /opt/lib/opkg/status, а сам пакет уже удалён:

    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg install python3-fnvhash --force-reinstall
    Removing package python3-fnvhash from root...
    Installing python3-fnvhash (0.1.0-3) to root...
    Collected errors:
     * opkg_download_pkg: Package python3-fnvhash is not available from any configured src.
     * opkg_install_pkg: Failed to download python3-fnvhash. Perhaps you need to run 'opkg update'?
     * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package python3-fnvhash.
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 

    найти и удалить полностью запись (от пустой строки до пустой)

    Package: python3-fnvhash
    Version: 0.1.0-3
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3-light
    Status: install user installed
    Architecture: mipsel-3.4
    Installed-Time: 1709053150

    ^ установить пакет

    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg install python3-fnvhash
    Installing python3-fnvhash (0.1.0-1) to root...
    Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/test/HA/python3-fnvhash_0.1.0-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
    Configuring python3-fnvhash.
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $

    или изменить версию


    Package: python3-fnvhash
    Version: 0.1.0-3


    Package: python3-fnvhash

    ^ установит пакет

    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg install python3-fnvhash
    Upgrading python3-fnvhash on root from to 0.1.0-1...
    Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/test/HA/python3-fnvhash_0.1.0-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
    Configuring python3-fnvhash.
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $

    или установить старый пакет, удалить его корректно, установить пакет

    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg install http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/test/HA/prev/python3-fnvhash_0.1.0-3_mipsel-3.4.ipk
    Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/test/HA/prev/python3-fnvhash_0.1.0-3_mipsel-3.4.ipk
    Installing python3-fnvhash (0.1.0-3) to root...
    Configuring python3-fnvhash.
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg remove python3-fnvhash --force-depends
    Removing package python3-fnvhash from root...
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ opkg install python3-fnvhash
    Installing python3-fnvhash (0.1.0-1) to root...
    Downloading http://bin.entware.net/mipselsf-k3.4/test/HA/python3-fnvhash_0.1.0-1_mipsel-3.4.ipk
    Configuring python3-fnvhash.
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/root $ 


  12. В 26.02.2024 в 03:42, Илья Ганжин сказал:

    Интергации SSH Command и Stream тоже отвалились, подскажите какие папки надо заменить из полного бэкапа entware чтобы вернуть старую версию? 



    или переустановить все пакеты, относящиеся к python (см. в теме)

  13. 3 часа назад, Nvid Pro сказал:

    что-то не так..

    Скрин снят с ZKUII, после обновления.

    Смотреть в режиме отладки, на что ругается и исправлять

    hass -c /opt/var/lib/homeassistant --debug --verbose

    Удалить всего python3-* и поставить снова:

    удалить НА с зависимостями (frontend, scapy, ...)

    opkg remove --autoremove --force-depends homeassistant

    удалить пакеты

    for p in $(opkg list-installed | grep python | cut -d' ' -f1); do opkg remove --autoremove --force-depends $p; done

    удалить каталог

    rm -rf /opt/lib/python3.11

    поставить снова НА

    NB если есть пакеты, зависимые от python3-*, напр., deluge, fail2ban, ... , возможно потребуется переустановка (но ЭТО не точно ы-ы-ы ).

    • Thanks 1
  14. немного в продолжение темы...

    owrt`шники, в борьбе за каждый свободный бит, кастрируют всё и вся. Первое подозрение, что это не так (оптимизация на размер), закралось после втягивания go, но, после rust`a... Теперь, на их вопрос: "На кой нам включать ту или иную опцию? Она же жрёт место драгоценное!" или "Нафига нам добавлять пакет? Места мало!", их можно смело посылать в долгое пешее эротическое

    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ ls -al *entw *owrt 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3053652 Aug 8 11:53 btm-entw 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4425756 Jan 2 16:40 btm-owrt 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1899104 Nov 6 16:15 dysk-entw 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2443872 Jan 2 16:40 dysk-owrt 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3552408 Nov 16 23:52 procs-entw 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5111472 Jan 2 16:50 procs-owrt 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3141476 Oct 7 21:37 rg-entw 
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4050452 Jan 2 16:48 rg-owrt 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ ./btm-entw -V 
    bottom 0.9.4 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ ./btm-owrt -V 
    bottom 0.9.4 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ du btm-entw 
    2988 btm-entw 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $ du btm-owrt 
    4336 btm-owrt 
    root@Keenetic-6065: /opt/tmp $


  15. Продолжение (начало здеся)

    Т.к. они его втянули, монополия на rust подходит к концу, хотя.... но об этом после, а, пока, понеслась вода по трубам или я твой дом труба шатал.

    Любители автоматизаций (HASS) уже пользуют нек-рые пакеты (python3-bcrypt, python3-cryptography, ...). Добавим ещё неск-ко (от "бесполезных" до "ненужных").

    Привязки к кинетикам нет, теоретически, могут быть запущены на любом устройстве (с соотв. архитектурой), но никаких гарантий (as-is).

    сокр. список пакетов (зависит от архитектуры), актуально на дату написания поста

    Скрытый текст


    список пакетов из индекса (напр., для mips(be)), актуально на дату написания поста

    Скрытый текст
    Package: adguardian-term
    Version: 1.6.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 983435
    Filename: adguardian-term_1.6.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 977198
    SHA256sum: 5c165eb32fe5ec0830d38ddc5fc89fe4bbac6588655cd684cf2a0ddb9c37a5d9
    Description:  Terminal-based, real-time traffic monitoring and
     statistics for your AdGuard Home instance.
    Package: aim
    Version: 1.8.5-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2455701
    Filename: aim_1.8.5-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2420878
    SHA256sum: 7f976dee24b0d0cbbb7e1dbd0e609a9e4161f172444310916432dc48f64a9d83
    Description:  A command line download/upload tool with resume.
    Package: app-tracer
    Version: 0.7.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 870252
    Filename: app-tracer_0.7.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 860962
    SHA256sum: 6c01faf5ae655496636c81f05dac3d6ec8a7b8c0da842e6c3d548f02b10fc09c
    Description:  Monitor live application either as child process or separate
     PID, collecting /displaying stats ( cpu usage, memory usage).
    Package: arp-scan-rs
    Version: 0.13.1-3
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: AGPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 388850
    Filename: arp-scan-rs_0.13.1-3_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 388860
    SHA256sum: 090816ecbb5e11230accc284421d44ef32ce8bed0b543e1ae7c7a61de2354b77
    Description:  Find all hosts in your local network using this fast ARP scanner.
     The CLI is written in Rust and provides a minimal scanner that
     finds all hosts using the ARP protocol.
    Package: arti-bench
    Version: 1.1.11-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, arti
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 4890891
    Filename: arti-bench_1.1.11-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 4705536
    SHA256sum: 46d381d53b9c5e2fdbeda4007160f994c5ddd2956239ce9b1a8a558c65eca0fb
    Description:  A simple benchmarking utility for Arti.
    Package: arti-testing
    Version: 1.1.11-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, arti
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 4770245
    Filename: arti-testing_1.1.11-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 4585184
    SHA256sum: cacdeee819094065698b3baa02698e1b8aca43d43ce796314bce8cac71499f38
    Description:  Tools for testing the Arti Tor implementation.
    Package: arti
    Version: 1.1.11-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, liblzma, libopenssl, libsqlite3
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 5108828
    Filename: arti_1.1.11-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 4923589
    SHA256sum: 87cf01a85f5804ce2b6a2132bf376e7f41894dc1bfc3fff3d1fa2fb2705bc198
    Description:  A rust implementation of the Tor privacy tools.
    Package: atuin
    Version: 17.2.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3941985
    Filename: atuin_17.2.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3903854
    SHA256sum: cc56e2f1a3fc691e9d9b422e3ea1a70e10fac280d19aff8ab893082fc3e6a7fc
    Description:  Magical shell history.
    Package: bandwhich
    Version: 0.21.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 854160
    Filename: bandwhich_0.21.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 849426
    SHA256sum: 9927244a698098a9e7de5f34cdafb8fe99622072c10d49a60ee76d23bfc8ed7f
    Description:  This is a CLI utility for displaying current network utilization by process,
     connection and remote IP/hostname.
    Package: bat
    Version: 0.24.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, zlib
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2696228
    Filename: bat_0.24.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2667024
    SHA256sum: d6303c904b98b72ef5d03412270110c59abc4e42318c334213ff7d18c209b57b
    Description:  A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
    Package: bingrep
    Version: 0.11.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 819066
    Filename: bingrep_0.11.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 811121
    SHA256sum: 45db8c916c3688f036eba883e4d682ffd91078c9f4071604be161eb40078e102
    Description:  Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them.
    Package: boringtun-cli
    Version: 0.6.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: BSD-3-Clause
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 525523
    Filename: boringtun-cli_0.6.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 523996
    SHA256sum: 7f1d5ad29e925d899a20b42c4075245fd8f8994418b504d7690299a15b122622
    Description:  BoringTun is an implementation of the WireGuard® protocol designed
     for portability and speed.
    Package: bottom
    Version: 0.9.6-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1355281
    Filename: bottom_0.9.6-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1325524
    SHA256sum: 5f5445b868ebc9dd59fd931c33c0fe3dbd3f432947dd1f1d0679c15d2935448b
    Description:  A cross-platform graphical process/system monitor with a customizable
     interface and a multitude of features. Supports Linux, macOS, and
     Windows. Inspired by both gtop and gotop.
    Package: broot
    Version: 1.32.0-1
    Depends: git, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3981887
    Filename: broot_1.32.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3820840
    SHA256sum: cb01d6f8c572b1701e48308d742bdd07ac3a8e343645bfebd02948e6dbafae4f
    Description:  A better way to navigate directories.
    Package: chr
    Version: 1.0.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1764220
    Filename: chr_1.0.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1761748
    SHA256sum: eb9c6bd2c9012d6bf62b499299376c0d86d4c0fa2ec6843022e8bc6d938aed66
    Description:  chr is a command-line utility that is meant to give
     various information about Unicode characters.
    Package: cyme
    Version: 1.6.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libudev-zero
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 940609
    Filename: cyme_1.6.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 935832
    SHA256sum: 9d82a1d078b59360b0d6dfdb261917903c1af580854a6e6d9d3a00951f37aafc
    Description:  List system USB buses and devices; a lib and modern cross-platform lsusb
     that attempts to maintain compatibility with, but also add new features.
    Package: dexios
    Version: 8.8.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: BSD-2-Clause
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 834777
    Filename: dexios_8.8.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 832291
    SHA256sum: c6d2827ecbb58982a2779a388983105b3583b121511ddc1ae9a17b8616d50384
    Description:  A library for encrypting/decrypting, password hashing, and for
     managing encrypted file headers that adhere to the Dexios format.
    Package: digs
    Version: 0.3.1-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 662222
    Filename: digs_0.3.1-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 658219
    SHA256sum: 24c838d4d9aa5d0043e6f74797f2fc16d938e8caf4fb1509ae928b122cf2a1a6
    Description:  digs is a DNS command-line client that able to query many DNS servers at once.
    Package: diskonaut
    Version: 0.11.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 478262
    Filename: diskonaut_0.11.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 477082
    SHA256sum: f10c7fce5ff5b619e366d1cb685c1245b60a31e1f681175d35a547f7aa82e41c
    Description:  Terminal disk space visual navigator.
    Package: diskus
    Version: 0.7.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 346040
    Filename: diskus_0.7.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 346386
    SHA256sum: b5e50f959e572771dcb33b5e970a412b3689513a9d6b17e4fd3838e8716f6166
    Description:  A minimal, fast alternative to 'du -sh'.
     diskus is a very simple program that computes the total size of
     the current directory. It is a parallelized version of 'du -sh'.
    Package: dns-firewall
    Version: 1.2.2-1
    Depends: iptables, ipset, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 626577
    Filename: dns-firewall_1.2.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 624713
    SHA256sum: eef01205f72cd8e91150e65f57b015410c1d94703d385afc8a95d1d45d843e3e
    Description:  dns-firewall is a filtering DNS proxy server integrating into iptables
     firewalls written in Rust.
    Package: dog
    Version: 0.1.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: EUPL-1.2
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 282710
    Filename: dog_0.1.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 282913
    SHA256sum: aac43993d5b19b2976d74f2e36c445538920a2203e61f9a5f12dd8baa8b27001
    Description:  dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig.
     It has colourful output, understands normal command-line argument syntax,
     supports the DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS protocols, and can emit JSON.
    Package: dua-cli
    Version: 2.26.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 686809
    Filename: dua-cli_2.26.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 684094
    SHA256sum: 3b5ff3e25965d464a501935ffd8e675ade48177a8708da0054984a104e2282f8
    Description:  dua (-> Disk Usage Analyzer) is a tool to conveniently learn
     about the usage of disk space of a given directory.
    Package: dust
    Version: 0.8.6-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 805446
    Filename: dust_0.8.6-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 780586
    SHA256sum: 994584faf6d7cfd5a46588b32b2e4519946fd468a72f9a19114b4c2f5f2f6fd6
    Description:  du + rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive.
    Package: dysk
    Version: 2.8.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    Provides: lfs
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 809140
    Filename: dysk_2.8.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 787354
    SHA256sum: f8536a76d798ebd19c02cf9ef7e636198ec9045b99ea327cb41d1f384c067486
    Description:  A linux utility to get information on filesystems, like df but better.
    Package: elf-info
    Version: 0.3.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: devel
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 883178
    Filename: elf-info_0.3.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 860523
    SHA256sum: d5ab749b37ed390e6310df531218e054c2873b264d077b3d24133596a968109c
    Description:  elf-info can inspect and display information about ELF binaries,
     the executable format mostly used on Linux.
    Package: exa-full
    Version: 0.10.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 764322
    Filename: exa-full_0.10.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 760290
    SHA256sum: 4404eb50ee621b2a4bb00cbfd4e063514b4d6847389f8c6c4018d5d2facb976d
    Description:  exa is a replacement for ls written in Rust.
     (with Git support; ~1,5M)
    Package: exa-nogit
    Version: 0.10.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    Conflicts: exa-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 329813
    Filename: exa-nogit_0.10.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 326352
    SHA256sum: 99cee6b1be78297cd386ad87b950697789f43c00cf35ea9f4b066e6b7cb6fc09
    Description:  exa is a replacement for ls written in Rust.
     (without Git support; ~516K)
    Package: eza
    Version: 0.17.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 894854
    Filename: eza_0.17.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 890551
    SHA256sum: d70f8787d4910edb29bac2179069681a0163c83df35b7831ecf0fd1b49b3dd24
    Description:  eza is a modern, maintained replacement for ls, built on exa.
    Package: fclones
    Version: 0.34.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1369090
    Filename: fclones_0.34.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1346431
    SHA256sum: 6ae0b6d2910d950ae46336711b4a2068ff54211123ec7da4160e6fac45838fee
    Description:  A simple command-line utility program that finds duplicate, unique, under- or
     over-replicated files.
     Contrary to fdupes or rdfind, fclones processes files in parallel, which makes
     it very efficient on SSDs. fclones communicates through standard Unix streams
     and it can write reports in human- and machine-friendly formats, therefore you
     can easily combine it with other tools.
    Package: fd
    Version: 9.0.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1166327
    Filename: fd_9.0.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1143151
    SHA256sum: 00eaceccc41b1e7b0f0f02317ddc2058d2610a042bc1b29aa8ae60f659817956
    Description:  fd is a program to find entries in your filesystem.
     It is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'.
    Package: felix
    Version: 2.11.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1146481
    Filename: felix_2.11.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1143449
    SHA256sum: 8aaebc7371f0d8aadafd9fba284d7fbfc30b45ff4c109f319fecf680ce7f82d4
    Description:  A tui file manager with Vim-like key mapping, written in Rust.
    Package: feroxbuster
    Version: 2.10.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2206541
    Filename: feroxbuster_2.10.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2174935
    SHA256sum: bc8e1f726cf08f7fc6ffef359d0271c71135231e801fd375d637b56cbbb89920
    Description:  A simple, fast, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust.
    Package: findutils-rs
    Version: 0.4.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1131378
    Filename: findutils-rs_0.4.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1105662
    SHA256sum: 76b9119125764b9c158809bcf1689d18182467098a6f434f3f39928246ea0a2d
    Description:  Rust implementation of GNU findutils.
    Package: git-delta
    Version: 0.16.5-3
    Depends: git, less, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2560667
    Filename: git-delta_0.16.5-3_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2530774
    SHA256sum: 49b2350328f68de7d897dafdecd2391fe624c6570b5ab819a8f7d76fed806c78
    Description:  A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output.
    Package: gitui
    Version: 0.24.3-1
    Depends: git, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2566809
    Filename: gitui_0.24.3-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2539149
    SHA256sum: 47bf0dd4e6782f137a7b4227c9620cf0206212044ed7b66d90678dff023ceb03
    Description:  GitUI provides you with the comfort of a git GUI but right in your terminal.
    Package: gobang
    Version: 0.1.0-alpha.5-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1746851
    Filename: gobang_0.1.0-alpha.5-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1738036
    SHA256sum: 854bedb6a7fdca2262ee3d0e97a16dd2c594cf74c0d22553c0d53a7c360446c4
    Description:  A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Rust.
    Package: gpg-tui
    Version: 0.10.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, gnupg2, libgpg-error, libgpgme
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 995616
    Filename: gpg-tui_0.10.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 990303
    SHA256sum: 0fb4153d38fe0d4ba2b127675fa6a541090ad2a19c0693a09e5468efe9bbbddb
    Description:  Manage your GnuPG keys with ease!
    Package: gping
    Version: 1.16.0-1
    Depends: iputils-ping, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 881392
    Filename: gping_1.16.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 857720
    SHA256sum: 4546dca94763250ce05b504117d40e31b008a92a402e82567a8c8e8f4c95695c
    Description:  Ping, but with a graph.
    Package: grex
    Version: 1.4.4-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 738188
    Filename: grex_1.4.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 714031
    SHA256sum: 28b5978fe06e610f782f0979c2261a3422ce4e6dace1e26af1e6fb120cd8d752
    Description:  A command-line tool and Rust library with Python bindings for
     generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases.
    Package: hck
    Version: 0.9.2-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 851797
    Filename: hck_0.9.2-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 831319
    SHA256sum: 505d3f9e3f4961f55e6de3c67dec88a6e4945cca201ffe6b85be441c00d30203
    Description:  hck is a shortening of hack, a rougher form of cut.
    Package: helix
    Version: 23.10-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libstdcpp
    License: MPL-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 16953347
    Filename: helix_23.10-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 15471631
    SHA256sum: db9875678776fe28c98b4705bf074a578002e266a186121e306e421d4984228a
    Description:  A Kakoune/Neovim inspired editor, written in Rust.
    Package: hexyl
    Version: 0.14.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 317438
    Filename: hexyl_0.14.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 316384
    SHA256sum: 41f88899e7e40e1fe5c3126935cdc3390c8827d79c3177045ce6f4121525b0cc
    Description:  hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored
     output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes,
     printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other
     ASCII characters and non-ASCII).
    Package: hickory-dns
    Version: 0.24.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 6819370
    Filename: hickory-dns_0.24.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 6725239
    SHA256sum: 72b76b44bf0cc2b50921fef069d08802849913f89aa6878e8e54ef1de80665c8
    Description:  A Rust based DNS client, server, and Resolver,
     built to be safe and secure from the ground up.
    Package: hl
    Version: 0.24.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1496254
    Filename: hl_0.24.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1459358
    SHA256sum: 74e809540a04b495e39ec66dda5e22cacb151e68f15e98f97759575778555f1e
    Description:  Log viewer which translates JSON logs into pretty human-readable representation.
    Package: httplz
    Version: 1.13.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1747918
    Filename: httplz_1.13.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1708177
    SHA256sum: 2b05a61c481f14e0f062de0f7364d4fd447d245494dbab8ba290b09028e04943
    Description:  Host These Things Please - a basic HTTP server
     for hosting a folder fast and simply.
    Package: hyperfine
    Version: 1.18.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 477082
    Filename: hyperfine_1.18.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 476965
    SHA256sum: 676780c2825b67d67dec908d699844371b0125f99b86b14de2ae284136d1b43d
    Description:  A command-line benchmarking tool.
    Package: igrep
    Version: 1.2.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1683445
    Filename: igrep_1.2.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1657448
    SHA256sum: a38296fbab0746015482007751cde769ae4d6d0f9ef2ac2c7216e392596c5394
    Description:  igrep - Interactive Grep.
    Package: jql
    Version: 7.1.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 444222
    Filename: jql_7.1.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 444329
    SHA256sum: eb233023323da5fcc522783160e93edb8b560f6a7fdac8a67846d3ef83772930
    Description:  jql - JSON Query Language - is a fast and simple
     command-line tool to manipulate JSON data.
    Package: kibi
    Version: 0.2.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 BSD-2-Clause MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 236471
    Filename: kibi_0.2.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 236863
    SHA256sum: 07aa6ca72e55ea2c835e9b93bbe033972e4c5369f0203ec6c8222d27114ac944
    Description:  A configurable text editor with UTF-8 support, incremental
     search, syntax highlighting, line numbers and more, written
     in less than 1024 lines of Rust with minimal dependencies.
    Package: kmon
    Version: 1.6.4-1
    Depends: dmesg, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 491304
    Filename: kmon_1.6.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 488448
    SHA256sum: 90ac4548401704d3d6d2756d6557f358d57ea8d4b21a1d4200ace748f6afe456
    Description:  Linux Kernel Manager and Activity Monitor.
    Package: leaf-ring
    Version: 0.10.7-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    Conflicts: leaf-ssl
    Provides: lief
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2505983
    Filename: leaf-ring_0.10.7-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2473532
    SHA256sum: c28b1199ff891ad601d2ac65a8261d886593f8bea6526f1b60c594f38d86ab7d
    Description:  A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features
     suitable for various use cases.
    Package: leaf-ssl
    Version: 0.10.7-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    Provides: lief
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1611272
    Filename: leaf-ssl_0.10.7-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1584335
    SHA256sum: 26e218939ef36f917e7a22733ecd3e44d99501b0aaf36ab8469645b22c18c3a7
    Description:  A versatile and efficient proxy framework with nice features
     suitable for various use cases.
    Package: maturin
    Version: 1.4.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3, rustc
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: devel
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3345809
    Filename: maturin_1.4.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3316379
    SHA256sum: 088ed585636fb02036bfa248cfa6a67ab0ecf604831453c8a2dd84665cebf386
    Description:  Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings as well
     as rust binaries as python packages.
    Package: minesweep-rs
    Version: 6.0.49-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: games
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 407269
    Filename: minesweep-rs_6.0.49-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 406158
    SHA256sum: 699d8648988e58c742152ba784e4b2810cde912570d867fbd7fe4986ff3f35b0
    Description:  A terminal battleship game in Rust.
    Package: miniserve
    Version: 0.25.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1423636
    Filename: miniserve_0.25.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1400465
    SHA256sum: f62f96903680f43e3dbebc6de83ec96d983de4582bd41a44ea4fea2caae0f9f5
    Description:  miniserve is a small, self-contained cross-platform CLI tool that
     allows you to just grab the binary and serve some file(s) via HTTP. 
    Package: mprocs
    Version: 0.6.4-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, luajit
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 823306
    Filename: mprocs_0.6.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 817440
    SHA256sum: 286fc27b88c3ad9c6164d983da6a900312715d918445b235122aa9c90ae0e92c
    Description:  mprocs runs multiple commands in parallel and shows output of
     each command separately.
    Package: mqttui
    Version: 0.19.0-1
    Depends: mosquitto, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 727694
    Filename: mqttui_0.19.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 723557
    SHA256sum: 227cd4efd7eba471de109013d8ce21da21131f64a9bca4c0e0a1bd931f460e34
    Description:  Subscribe to a MQTT Topic or publish something quickly from the terminal.
    Package: netop
    Version: 0.1.4-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libpcap
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 477689
    Filename: netop_0.1.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 474819
    SHA256sum: 78875db8bcce33a9931359ee1ab78b6558a32a4cca5df8b4af1705e1767dfcd2
    Description:  netop is a terminal command line interface that can customize
     the filter network traffic rule.
    Package: nu-plugin-bio
    Version: 0.85.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, liblzma, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1216529
    Filename: nu-plugin-bio_0.85.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1193819
    SHA256sum: 4f96bed49b9afed89235ad65802080c4afab6bc83c9bd2e52dc25828a400df28
    Description:  Parse and manipulate common bioinformatic formats in nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-custom-values
    Version: 0.88.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 797763
    Filename: nu-plugin-custom-values_0.88.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 793457
    SHA256sum: 86f07551fbf0766139accb7753baa774196e4893d3b33822fd1f55c7084d530a
    Description:  CustomValue plugin for Nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-dns
    Version: 1.0.4-alpha.1-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MPL-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2573565
    Filename: nu-plugin-dns_1.0.4-alpha.1-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2538243
    SHA256sum: bdbaa35104c968090d147a76612dd7981a94aedb971b34f5cc31b8e9b01ba14b
    Description:  Nushell plugin that does DNS queries and parses results into meaningful types.
    Package: nu-plugin-explore
    Version: 0.1.1-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1216561
    Filename: nu-plugin-explore_0.1.1-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1204276
    SHA256sum: 4ae53211b1cbb4c8b5a4493759b3a1f9b637b827dcce5d7fce4a824280146688
    Description:  A fast interactive explorer tool for structured data inspired by nu-explore.
    Package: nu-plugin-file
    Version: 0.1.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 829833
    Filename: nu-plugin-file_0.1.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 824350
    SHA256sum: 14e8392c2f2ae3455039456e938b55ae51800755432bb79095101bbc6f60bfa9
    Description:  A nushell plugin that will inspect a file and
     return information based on it's magic number.
    Package: nu-plugin-formats
    Version: 0.88.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1367557
    Filename: nu-plugin-formats_0.88.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1342174
    SHA256sum: 72c568275bf65bb3e352cd6c0985c14f07980f7655211083b8509fdb16aac6f3
    Description:  An I/O plugin for a set of file formats for Nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-from-bencode
    Version: 0.9.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 447680
    Filename: nu-plugin-from-bencode_0.9.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 448229
    SHA256sum: 49fc95b90171e8e9b0fd91bf8cab8e739279b47455e6d2addf9d0af29bfe9c48
    Description:  A converter plugin from the bencode format for Nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-from-parquet
    Version: 0.1.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1461405
    Filename: nu-plugin-from-parquet_0.1.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1446156
    SHA256sum: b09ff19bc64fa2fb6ca8f63c76b4c6fa02c444af7c560640a3eb16a631c90977
    Description:  This is a nushell plugin to parse parquet data files into nu structured types.
    Package: nu-plugin-gstat
    Version: 0.88.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1331299
    Filename: nu-plugin-gstat_0.88.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1325236
    SHA256sum: f40dc519b3cdf38a35dec6202a013014fd587c5f8c145d497e36f147a0582449
    Description:  A git status plugin for Nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-highlight
    Version: 1.0.7-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1906033
    Filename: nu-plugin-highlight_1.0.7-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1894205
    SHA256sum: 17ffcbc36e8239eb6edc1bdafcd01c2403be1cee1c0bb17dcd9c7a81ebd23be2
    Description:  nu-plugin-highlight is a plugin for Nushell that provides
     syntax highlighting for source code.
    Package: nu-plugin-inc
    Version: 0.88.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 475923
    Filename: nu-plugin-inc_0.88.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 474762
    SHA256sum: ee5cae647f6604e1146b2e39cc6a06035d8c0e7684c750928345e1eb355ca3fc
    Description:  A version incrementer plugin for Nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-periodic-table
    Version: 0.2.7-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: GPL-3.0-only
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 448265
    Filename: nu-plugin-periodic-table_0.2.7-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 448682
    SHA256sum: ef1582748d7e12b4263f4b3c70b7834a25505c3e0accf4344f8667d5146a0c1a
    Description:  A periodic table of elements plugin for Nushell.
    Package: nu-plugin-pnet
    Version: 1.3.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 778946
    Filename: nu-plugin-pnet_1.3.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 774000
    SHA256sum: 570305b3c0990a05dd0b774cc795d5d423bbd8f81a6ffc21052c761868d3d11f
    Description:  A nushell plugin for enumerating network interfaces in a platform-agnostic way.
    Package: nu-plugin-port-scan
    Version: 1.0.8-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 787550
    Filename: nu-plugin-port-scan_1.0.8-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 783760
    SHA256sum: 95121f3dba147ea402f9d0c7fae54ca7a3a93398ed6f1b4f31fa701604e81c79
    Description:  A nushell plugin for scanning ports on a target.
    Package: nu-plugin-query
    Version: 0.88.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 789266
    Filename: nu-plugin-query_0.88.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 788721
    SHA256sum: 1ca8039bd96a1103fa82cd68967d2bb7815800c92cded7666a4f616a90f232de
    Description:  A Nushell plugin to query JSON, XML, and various web data.
    Package: nu-plugin-regex
    Version: 0.1.1-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, nushell
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1172759
    Filename: nu-plugin-regex_0.1.1-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1148187
    SHA256sum: b6618502e23ae0641fffc0564727f254a70a403862220f6d87f39052d21496d8
    Description:  This is a nushell plugin to parse regular expressions.
    Package: nushell
    Version: 0.88.1-1
    Depends: git-http, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 6285527
    Filename: nushell_0.88.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 6208855
    SHA256sum: ecb0a730bc806b3cd5e43e68987a303dc4b211349ab7ba4329c9c5f4e38182e7
    Description:  A new type of shell.
    Package: ouch
    Version: 0.5.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, liblzma, libstdcpp, libzstd, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1232038
    Filename: ouch_0.5.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1210529
    SHA256sum: ea713fb10ed9b8af72746c82848bb53e9c4d432eb09e6afe3a15cd6c976c3e12
    Description:  A command-line utility for easily compressing
     and decompressing files and directories.
    Package: ox
    Version: 0.2.7-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-2.0-only
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 848003
    Filename: ox_0.2.7-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 825284
    SHA256sum: be11784a9b942a1a387d06d05f2d3426a958a2e920a0adbb7c2373b18e2d144f
    Description:  Ox is a code editor that runs in your terminal.
    Package: pastel
    Version: 0.9.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 417949
    Filename: pastel_0.9.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 416107
    SHA256sum: e2acc76c42b45821bee655c938997bf8f272411f87d410c1108d1e3fc8b59722
    Description:  A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors.
    Package: procs
    Version: 0.14.4-1
    Depends: less, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1468322
    Filename: procs_0.14.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1445675
    SHA256sum: 555d4827b3e00d28b50ac194fdeeb08a496663e8abc5a848e7dc3aae8c38a77f
    Description:  procs is a replacement for ps written in Rust.
    Package: pueue
    Version: 3.3.3-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2656086
    Filename: pueue_3.3.3-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2643114
    SHA256sum: cb738962703272fe53ad9424d028b99f44bbf63d4ac97a314db55ae23f97bf25
    Description:  Pueue is a command-line task management tool for sequential and parallel
     execution of long-running tasks.
    Package: python3-bcrypt
    Version: 4.0.1-3
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3-light
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: lang
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 241879
    Filename: python3-bcrypt_4.0.1-3_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 242081
    SHA256sum: 654bbd24ca5eaac399afb980f05ba5fadff212f6aac53141aacf43880f8486c5
    Description:  Good password hashing for your software and your servers.
    Package: python3-cryptography
    Version: 41.0.7-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl, python3-cffi, python3-distutils, python3-email, python3-urllib, python3-uuid
    License: Apache-2.0 BSD-3-Clause
    Section: lang
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 914507
    Filename: python3-cryptography_41.0.7-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 898683
    SHA256sum: b0344e09a7b5bea4897ba3f2bcd71826a29a8a3c7177ab974066a80495cab036
    Description:  cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives
     to Python developers. Our goal is for it to be your "cryptographic standard
     library". It supports Python 3.6+ and PyPy3 7.2+.
    Package: python3-orjson
    Version: 3.9.9-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3-light
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: lang
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 323952
    Filename: python3-orjson_3.9.9-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 323881
    SHA256sum: 24e9619986a721f935206550cbd87cc041e1c74e29c8088f2e71445505088b2f
    Description:  Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy.
    Package: python3-rpds-py
    Version: 0.10.6-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3-light
    License: MIT
    Section: lang
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 332255
    Filename: python3-rpds-py_0.10.6-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 332511
    SHA256sum: e536ffb22d83d3284312323c11adbdf8d599a250f345318f6c11b82239de246a
    Description:  Python bindings to the Rust rpds crate for persistent data structures.
    Package: qbtui
    Version: 0.0.5-1
    Depends: qbittorrent, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1554205
    Filename: qbtui_0.0.5-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1531468
    SHA256sum: b391182aabda0b029aaa78c344322eef8eddb35551c6205681efc6fb07f3608a
    Description:  Manage torrents and open files from terminal.
    Package: qsc
    Version: 0.4.2-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1355970
    Filename: qsc_0.4.2-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1329908
    SHA256sum: 4f43ba1e7eab5f58ad5e05b05fecccae02ba3366e88aa8f4504d9a5f97c7b98d
    Description:  Rust command line utility for quick asynchronous network hosts scanning.
    Package: qtun-client
    Version: 0.2.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 920808
    Filename: qtun-client_0.2.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 919042
    SHA256sum: 8c1ebcffeb89ee8babfb348082e050589cb48b211d80ccf842338a177a989e89
    Description:  Yet another SIP003 plugin based on IETF-QUIC.
    Package: qtun-server
    Version: 0.2.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 881020
    Filename: qtun-server_0.2.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 878181
    SHA256sum: 1e0ec06d369093ae6111be86b6c012a983009484d428ac4e4d092495a442f8ff
    Description:  Yet another SIP003 plugin based on IETF-QUIC.
    Package: rathole
    Version: 0.5.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1426539
    Filename: rathole_0.5.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1410382
    SHA256sum: 1c7cd264f5b7248247a63a602c8916aee35a0eb2e1dd8aecd3b2be1f5baac69b
    Description:  A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal,
     written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok.
    Package: ripcalc
    Version: 0.1.11-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 240355
    Filename: ripcalc_0.1.11-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 240620
    SHA256sum: 5e521a8f95ce8f318ffbe5e7ce1723d89a23f3b6938ad7bcf92bc6d94f14bde0
    Description:  Calculate or lookup network addresses.
    Package: ripgrep
    Version: 14.1.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libpcre2
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1209919
    Filename: ripgrep_14.1.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1187944
    SHA256sum: 3cc1a94e253d18036038aab5f20e13c47fe8aefa0fe510f3edf65404e47b4d5d
    Description:  ripgrep is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches the current
     directory for a regex pattern while respecting gitignore rules. ripgrep has
     first class support on Windows, macOS and Linux.
    Package: rmesg
    Version: 1.0.21-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 734026
    Filename: rmesg_1.0.21-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 712510
    SHA256sum: 63139368acadf5c641c1f2beaf94b1a402b8da74d58a9f7cea89bda2962b62c8
    Description:  This is a fully Rust-based implementation of the popular dmesg Linux
     utility, giving programmatic access to the kernel log buffer.
    Package: rs-tftpd
    Version: 0.2.10-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    Provides: tftpd
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 220283
    Filename: rs-tftpd_0.2.10-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 219098
    SHA256sum: 13e033c2289657f87acd0919f7305969c72e423b895ed4e6b37184fed04b7aa3
    Description:  Pure Rust implementation of a Trivial File Transfer Protocol server daemon.
    Package: rustc
    Version: 1.75.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libatomic, libopenssl, libstdcpp, zlib
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: devel
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 120911011
    Filename: rustc_1.75.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 119501342
    SHA256sum: 365466b28594d61ddf3ea9ed512ec29f654bdec0983081bb45add955ac4b2a09
    Description:  The Rust Programming Language.
    Package: rustdesk-server
    Version: 1.1.9-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: AGPL-3.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3523042
    Filename: rustdesk-server_1.1.9-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3466881
    SHA256sum: b325c1b91ec7282be052df4ca5a87f19f089dc1b43706c0da91736b65e0063bf
    Description:  RustDesk Server Program.
    Package: rustscan
    Version: 2.1.1-2
    Depends: nmap, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-only
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1472839
    Filename: rustscan_2.1.1-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1446780
    SHA256sum: dc4ba008a5acb94c24b08e421093ef019806cf9620fa83d3acde988f7e3a456b
    Description:  The Modern Port Scanner.
    Package: rustube
    Version: 0.6.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: multimedia
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1627610
    Filename: rustube_0.6.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1601024
    SHA256sum: 52bb8d0ea923e0f4bdc098fb35443d18a59963795c5392e2bedd21596654cf8e
    Description:  A YouTube video downloader, originally inspired by pytube, written in Rust.
    Package: sd
    Version: 1.0.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 686968
    Filename: sd_1.0.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 665665
    SHA256sum: 72f3ee381b2bc9a0177e720722f3e3fec56a9d30ddb12c78e76fc920d21c819a
    Description:  sd - s[earch] & d[isplace] is an intuitive find & replace CLI.
     (sed alternative)
    Package: shadowsocks-rust
    Version: 1.17.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 10209440
    Filename: shadowsocks-rust_1.17.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 10053221
    SHA256sum: caf8a11ac3caa0bfcf247dde2c44b9c41d8de2962687c782eba8107db1d659a4
    Description:  This is a port of shadowsocks.
     shadowsocks is a fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.
    Package: shellharden
    Version: 4.3.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MPL-2.0
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 177757
    Filename: shellharden_4.3.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 178260
    SHA256sum: 772389cb362674f5eefd9180bf38a6ee7d3ad128a57b840fbbfb2e9099948d07
    Description:  shellharden is a syntax highlighter and a tool to semi-automate the rewriting
     of scripts to ShellCheck conformance, mainly focused on quoting.
    Package: sniffglue
    Version: 0.15.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libpcap
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 938691
    Filename: sniffglue_0.15.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 916858
    SHA256sum: 173758f565526b12e7bd6dc48c1dec10b4702a4aab8b46c3ca38a8143361332c
    Description:  .
     sniffglue is a network sniffer written in rust. Network packets are parsed
     concurrently using a thread pool to utilize all cpu cores. Project goals are
     that you can run sniffglue securely on untrusted networks and that it must
     not crash when processing packets. The output should be as useful as possible
     by default.
    Package: sniffnet
    Version: 0.5.0-2
    Depends: dejavu-fonts-ttf-DejaVuSerif, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, fontconfig, libpcap
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 511186
    Filename: sniffnet_0.5.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 509615
    SHA256sum: 74086e8922d2bb41669fcd787a48de8584a4424ded959a9c87566fc5d7880884
    Description:  Framework to explore network traffic through graphical and textual reports.
    Package: spacedisplay-rs
    Version: 0.3.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 481660
    Filename: spacedisplay-rs_0.3.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 478858
    SHA256sum: 6fc04ace8546bca7ab4f4d82e735dbe4477ad8a51668467d6530faf65cd58364
    Description:  Fast and lightweight tool to scan your disk space.
    Package: static-web-server
    Version: 2.24.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2394360
    Filename: static-web-server_2.24.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2354897
    SHA256sum: b751df9dbf926fccef04039e15f6da5122c5381bc5d894c8a10ed0daa284eabb
    Description:  A blazing fast and asynchronous web server for static files-serving.
    Package: stylus
    Version: 0.10.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1186939
    Filename: stylus_0.10.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1173357
    SHA256sum: 4f6903789f661db0837e63ba361da611aaf0dceb9f2772bfc501aec9b0c0dfdc
    Description:  Stylus (style + status) is a lightweight status page for home infrastructure.
    Package: sudoku-tui
    Version: 0.2.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: games
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 330224
    Filename: sudoku-tui_0.2.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 329133
    SHA256sum: 96133a686ca7ad9863856598f6707409cf4574b10291de9f6566ad77b95f0f49
    Description:  Play sudoku on the command line. (TUI interface)
    Package: suricata-update
    Version: 1.3.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, python3-dateutil, python3-logging, python3-openssl, python3-urllib, python3-yaml
    License: GPL-2.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 149851
    Filename: suricata-update_1.3.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 150562
    SHA256sum: dbac8ce02fd2ed2b880a08bd0d587ba203120a5df8b4b013cfcc659b974d6ec8
    Description:  The tool for updating your Suricata rules.
    Package: suricata7-extra
    Version: 7.0.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, jansson, libatomic, libelf, libmagic, libpcap, libcap-ng, liblz4, libpcre2, libyaml, zlib, libiconv-full, python3-light, python3-logging, python3-readline, libevent2, libevent2-pthreads, libhiredis, libmaxminddb, libnet-1.2.x, libnetfilter-log, libnetfilter-queue, luajit
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3864604
    Filename: suricata7-extra_7.0.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3830605
    SHA256sum: 2ac547ac0d1fa7c799ab8be839f0678891188572b6940378b12efbd71eb8e8cb
    Description:  Suricata is the leading independent open source threat detection engine.
     By combining intrusion detection (IDS), intrusion prevention (IPS), network 
     security monitoring (NSM) and PCAP processing, Suricata can quickly identify,
     stop, and assess the most sophisticated attacks.
    Package: suricata7-mini
    Version: 7.0.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, jansson, libatomic, libelf, libmagic, libpcap, libcap-ng, liblz4, libpcre2, libyaml, zlib, libiconv-full
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3807365
    Filename: suricata7-mini_7.0.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3773607
    SHA256sum: ebcdbe9bb0c5a6671b8fa51d1c1d1f0b1a70d2089de499db200dd1f14b5c44c5
    Description:  Suricata is the leading independent open source threat detection engine.
     By combining intrusion detection (IDS), intrusion prevention (IPS), network 
     security monitoring (NSM) and PCAP processing, Suricata can quickly identify,
     stop, and assess the most sophisticated attacks.
    Package: suricata7
    Version: 7.0.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, jansson, libatomic, libelf, libmagic, libpcap, libcap-ng, liblz4, libpcre2, libyaml, zlib, libiconv-full, libevent2, libevent2-pthreads, libhiredis, liblua, libmaxminddb, libnet-1.2.x
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 3845163
    Filename: suricata7_7.0.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 3811296
    SHA256sum: 76d16fd9b1890517ea644e3a1d281a30af27aca19ec6962caa85a27a00153647
    Description:  Suricata is the leading independent open source threat detection engine.
     By combining intrusion detection (IDS), intrusion prevention (IPS), network 
     security monitoring (NSM) and PCAP processing, Suricata can quickly identify,
     stop, and assess the most sophisticated attacks.
    Package: systeroid-tui
    Version: 0.4.4-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1677407
    Filename: systeroid-tui_0.4.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1654877
    SHA256sum: 9fbb394f8477d10a5d57faf93f33ed6a57375e878567e111f6de35f6063f3212
    Description:  A terminal user interface for managing kernel parameters.
    Package: systeroid
    Version: 0.4.4-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, systeroid-tui
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 800817
    Filename: systeroid_0.4.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 778373
    SHA256sum: e811eb97af3bfba43cb615422bf7b0eb1116c9f07c4ec29cf55c462ddce225c5
    Description:  A more powerful alternative to sysctl.
    Package: taskwarrior-tui
    Version: 0.25.4-1
    Depends: taskwarrior, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1225961
    Filename: taskwarrior-tui_0.25.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1199166
    SHA256sum: f21d596ee7e313db8816b3222ce1b365e0c5d875df2190f6a14a9e143866039c
    Description:  A Terminal User Interface (TUI) for Taskwarrior that you didn't know you wanted.
    Package: tealdeer
    Version: 1.6.1-3
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1172093
    Filename: tealdeer_1.6.1-3_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1164793
    SHA256sum: 34be9eadd3c4b0e113c87c7cf18507d9665de7bab45642c13f42515c63e1460b
    Description:  Fetch and show tldr help pages for many CLI commands.
     Full featured offline client with caching support.
    Package: termscp
    Version: 0.12.3-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libdbus, libopenssl, zlib
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2536855
    Filename: termscp_0.12.3-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2506679
    SHA256sum: 1fa4d506a1c70e9ec79d71492b853c4019baad5bc60b55e872abef16b8379773
    Description:  termscp is a feature rich terminal file transfer
     and explorer with support for SCP/SFTP/FTP/S3.
    Package: tokei
    Version: 13.0.0-alpha.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1161039
    Filename: tokei_13.0.0-alpha.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1136547
    SHA256sum: e11df63772018fae45f38f1ce7d53bfbf13ab28264763d276bef3431a4dafd0d
    Description:  Tokei is a program that displays statistics about your code.
     Tokei will show the number of files, total lines within those
     files and code, comments, and blanks grouped by language.
    Package: trippy
    Version: 0.9.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: Apache-2.0
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1683597
    Filename: trippy_0.9.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1663768
    SHA256sum: 6d2cee83edfae47987b6d634b04df02aee0647fe051fed9ca064e56f88b44211
    Description:  A network diagnostic tool, inspired by mtr.
    Package: trust-dns
    Version: 0.23.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: Apache-2.0 MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 9033743
    Filename: trust-dns_0.23.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 8861636
    SHA256sum: c5ab05c83a08a7f241d307af7095e009ee071e83d2e9477d5a6a9a4b87e73b94
    Description:  A Rust based DNS client, server, and Resolver, built to be safe
     and secure from the ground up.
    Package: turboscan
    Version: 0.1.4-3
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 479734
    Filename: turboscan_0.1.4-3_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 478052
    SHA256sum: 55798564c2bb0c02c14a0d9913762096bb5aed2b2d398d2b8ceaa9c59dc73683
    Description:  Turboscan is a blazingly fast and reliable Rust-based port scanner CLI
     for network administrators, security professionals and Developers.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-apps
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2268238
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-apps_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2235661
    SHA256sum: 47c6383a878006f6c94914eee40ff15412d607d67440522187512aec5d63a41c
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-arch
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 274250
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-arch_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 274779
    SHA256sum: 527b35b61e054c0d1c517efc4d404e13da0a56cefa46fad81a0a4e459c3b4c80
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-base32
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 299415
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-base32_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 299901
    SHA256sum: 32848a34ec32e1e1e1cb9695b1be61b9f38d6fc9b487af23ea3af388595301ff
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-base64
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 299480
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-base64_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 300052
    SHA256sum: 82c7312b6901abbe04c8608331a846e940f63066877d3f108b96ba6177bb4834
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-basename
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 281659
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-basename_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 282009
    SHA256sum: cd431ce1878b8160d1d5cda65ce012685af944e2ce676abb6fdd9382b2740c1c
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-basenc
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 301869
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-basenc_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 302166
    SHA256sum: 9722b84d368139f9c65b97d3189727fcd2b31caf921babcc0f51bf32f0da4099
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-cat
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 292015
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-cat_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 292336
    SHA256sum: b582560056c7bd1dce8f4de15d654cf8fd51a341fc79e632842b6274cb14b7d2
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-chgrp
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 298237
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-chgrp_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 298574
    SHA256sum: 53cb9f14b01b65e69fe99337f805388c9e82cc421b2567dcf66ceba183d5391b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-chmod
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 290465
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-chmod_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 290720
    SHA256sum: 34d025690967768ca89795314bfcc89bffa421a67d840ed7b42bcefde48d6b30
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-chown
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 301146
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-chown_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 301376
    SHA256sum: de7d46a1e8ff3fa5a1be8d420ef8d6acd65c0f16e145ad4260b21f7d02218f40
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-chroot
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 309976
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-chroot_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 309987
    SHA256sum: a251c94e672b7a34a692858d52d403a23ce6b6b0cad15d762c7c8517aeac2e35
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-cksum
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 334105
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-cksum_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 334491
    SHA256sum: ae2844b83ad5a458cf784e6c54a8a17fe076706e8d99cd96cf61850132a75dda
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-comm
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 279872
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-comm_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 280171
    SHA256sum: 743c6400ecf8ea2477084946c1cf56cbf8fd1a3bc0f2ecde9a0f24ada224600d
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-cp
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 406652
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-cp_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 405514
    SHA256sum: a35e9c91e462a2a5a47c0fdfc9c1d70d56cf1a7170441d178f0cf0dbe4e77e3a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-csplit
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 665984
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-csplit_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 645847
    SHA256sum: b0e09dc14dbf369c76cd2dc97c9338ce2a64c973b23d0653ca84c7794f6a049f
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-cut
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 296637
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-cut_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 296978
    SHA256sum: 826a5eab594f6c4ed6cd8c05e27371ad7ddbdf2ff81379358f29e5c853ca64e6
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-date
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 710858
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-date_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 689207
    SHA256sum: 3a7230f4bfc28c509fc81e10a1eb1c376626d7fc3356ca529ea046a3f85daad4
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-dd
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 380209
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-dd_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 380398
    SHA256sum: 475b24eb22c9b6c9beaa116f270af3553374134af111d89106a5ac63a6434612
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-df
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 319639
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-df_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 319959
    SHA256sum: 8d5f47cf6428e870933924bb59e3067287344a1b22a22749d20321c871a718d8
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-dir
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 403813
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-dir_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 402269
    SHA256sum: 66e38b62786060d1521d0b6346b300572ce54491ce584288ef58a180103edc29
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-dircolors
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 308436
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-dircolors_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 307538
    SHA256sum: 19fd08a9e0134dc0662cafa16bc5922ac1bf19e30f47c0b47e384fa5d9b7cfd2
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-dirname
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 275825
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-dirname_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 276219
    SHA256sum: 27e10d9fd429bdf1ba2e8fd0e6070fd5b120bbddbe1af52637541fbf6c9dd011
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-du
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 360758
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-du_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 359630
    SHA256sum: 3e4ac46e7b399dcdec7be8853ab4aa9a8d9e96c92cf80cf28adcfd86af65c32d
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-echo
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 274780
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-echo_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 275377
    SHA256sum: 3f70b8bb37d5619ba8372d22e7da2ab76b9eb9e2eecdcb2b43861048e44cebc5
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-env
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 318430
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-env_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 318541
    SHA256sum: fc7ec7104a23ef99f05e68286190d390b7091ae40c32b141beea5cf170cf3448
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-expand
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 290320
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-expand_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 290799
    SHA256sum: af465da2f6639531af5c99ef5292a650f5f2b2e72b544c11dd22e6d51899fb5b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-expr
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 472334
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-expr_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 468950
    SHA256sum: 413f15e81446b33f69015677787c7258c03f79a06985af26fba692af00902570
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-factor
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 307042
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-factor_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 307444
    SHA256sum: 759c067bdf853ca34af534a5fbfd46ce92d33ca2423be679f6e2c5441219ee3a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-false
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 263978
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-false_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 264680
    SHA256sum: fcd50c76001c296e81c6a66b6bee2a03d45f00c15926a5e86fb581fda81513ef
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-fmt
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 297674
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-fmt_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 297929
    SHA256sum: c59dd031d992e0a5974a1b3b5513772a827504935bb9a5e4ea6925b633464e6a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-fold
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 287989
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-fold_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 288462
    SHA256sum: d3d10bb870712cd0cbcd8ac5ff730f85a9945a340cbe6e23604eac2098094e8a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-full
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 97
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-full_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 644
    SHA256sum: a0f4a7f31608ae6d137b3fa5670e662f82728098d11562b27be7c3898838c04c
    Description:  The GNU coreutils, written in Rust
    Package: uutils-coreutils-groups
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 282233
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-groups_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 282636
    SHA256sum: 8d8f4697a1a81f9f53b2b4bde1c430b00b092e4c96b8fc004ef0e06b7face261
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-hashsum
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 721122
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-hashsum_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 699771
    SHA256sum: d60f1dd4b444ef809166ecef33af8cc2166876eb4fbd313eb038ea066965bc0f
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-head
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 302038
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-head_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 302396
    SHA256sum: 8117ec3c67788d7db910e7f6efb3bf77258b5dc946cf13fdd854e0cc5baa4e31
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-hostid
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 269432
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-hostid_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 269726
    SHA256sum: 651f318adaa1713fc3614e2016665486f566f07ce1b991ed2a0b2cb43fa9b784
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-hostname
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 289260
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-hostname_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 289863
    SHA256sum: d3c7619737db97e363096c3bdff43a9f773a60ce37a97646f8873d1672987b45
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-id
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 287576
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-id_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 287876
    SHA256sum: 482a3bf4402b1bb0b5b47b8e5e0d4a5bafb914abdf2f96e8de338d78651cd1f5
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-install
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 318312
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-install_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 318478
    SHA256sum: 74c38ca9aabd9947d8ef17e64334fd204b6fb1d68860fd5ef8679bd6c12ad0b7
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-join
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 296061
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-join_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 296519
    SHA256sum: bd9a9a64715a335c2714e5ab024d97aeb79febee007363ea0c965650cc565399
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-kill
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 284650
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-kill_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 285023
    SHA256sum: f503f90695394dea2ba531042915dbcf4e72ae5ce07c5b4073c3f4106a55d98b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-link
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 280274
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-link_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 280854
    SHA256sum: de44eaae967ffb68dbfa6f69fcd78dfed8c245ecff7d28b4eaeb374a5b0e25da
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-ln
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 301916
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-ln_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 302190
    SHA256sum: f185fdc2321fe7713854a3b96186e5f628527ad63222de3572b874825fcf3390
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-logname
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 273828
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-logname_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 274320
    SHA256sum: cfb6f73edcc14f81b955ddca9b12d6d2743130cb9673be54878340a4925b7e53
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-ls
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 406338
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-ls_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 405062
    SHA256sum: db4026543ed7843f68411f06c2a19decde098e803e66cda047971727e5c3b5c4
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-mkdir
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 285135
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-mkdir_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 285532
    SHA256sum: 3986574ce81040be639728b69d7939d0eb869c16c69c947d28abecaf0d5ed9f5
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-mkfifo
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 281067
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-mkfifo_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 281672
    SHA256sum: 40a22f3130f0507b2fb0242a2823afcc330021b011d902edc58d705b616943ca
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-mknod
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 284765
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-mknod_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 285419
    SHA256sum: d928a16d3f17412c5dd38c56d4a367a5272be434a74692a7f337e9ef9886223c
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-mktemp
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 299405
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-mktemp_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 299819
    SHA256sum: a80f1074b614475bae44acd8531c92277e0038515d8a5b0b6fbd5fc995d56d06
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-more
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 351775
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-more_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 351027
    SHA256sum: fc3d03149aeac221da54600cec0830d77ab8150f712c35d04881c95951a7a18e
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-mv
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 364989
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-mv_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 365114
    SHA256sum: 338039841480e138408859e11f7fc33fde77bf33982329fdb9be23921fa9c40d
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-nice
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 278263
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-nice_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 278626
    SHA256sum: 083fcb1f8727cf9bd7a3a236f14fe57d3f0738754ec258264d481518c81ee220
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-nl
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 656670
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-nl_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 634930
    SHA256sum: 436cbe2e1b5ff82ea2be3c526ccf89a2d8a1a343156641db0178338b81bbbc86
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-nohup
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 280895
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-nohup_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 281431
    SHA256sum: 31ff1c1e8be163ca0e1bd633a4afe9c9fc0a6d7736747b614d292de1738b92c1
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-nproc
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 288742
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-nproc_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 289107
    SHA256sum: b0dc6239a6e9e35fec379b93993aaed7bd8aac78b2cafb77ceaae31a669c32c1
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-numfmt
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 334994
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-numfmt_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 333936
    SHA256sum: 0ba07611efbbeabae9ae7f317012ad67653e30bf2d360d628ce183a0b5994086
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-od
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 323512
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-od_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 324001
    SHA256sum: a4c6fb279b16e736f1a4d59f58b6db884b4f9f0afd5aa7dfbf4f053c8939f47e
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-paste
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 281331
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-paste_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 281809
    SHA256sum: 8bc2ab43df685ed14937c5f0b893d5600c2e83237b27ee615e38797211fc3c21
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-pathchk
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 281306
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-pathchk_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 281614
    SHA256sum: 3184b32053d90781d93085ed6cc94b4bec812d2754b851b42ba4302adc336f84
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-pinky
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 309141
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-pinky_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 309385
    SHA256sum: 2fc82a0aa85c7e29392af4fb750aff0bc3d0aa44639bb67107a82d7a3543fa95
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-pr
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 710163
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-pr_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 688811
    SHA256sum: d4783cd89a7165c8382bc37cebc23a7812f5997ee998f2bc678bb1ef830c2bef
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-printenv
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 274238
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-printenv_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 274807
    SHA256sum: e08f6d6f8fc83be519d2ecbcbb73f095f71441afb899465e4cbe097aba1dcf45
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-printf
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 324696
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-printf_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 325226
    SHA256sum: f874d8ec2c7a9c47c328c6a634f754b3056b42939f528d7a108b6d215f24de6f
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-ptx
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 684489
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-ptx_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 662441
    SHA256sum: e29290c1844e1a6033c4b3e60a07269ba0fd264d62a7e35288be1916a711ddc9
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-pwd
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 275885
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-pwd_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 276241
    SHA256sum: a73bfe26871f2177c76e3fada7b3f554419a21c992635bd88a54a35283887424
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-readlink
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 291513
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-readlink_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 292018
    SHA256sum: 80bddfa7282c656d97175f64e2f610c96dfabd37d79cc9149755f7afadda6bfb
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-realpath
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 294461
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-realpath_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 294719
    SHA256sum: 0e177fa7090c61709f43ef0e21afde29974a658124cb0cfa731b57e2b44ac47e
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-rm
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 299458
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-rm_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 299919
    SHA256sum: 70e547b3d8dbf143d1a218633a95a992fb6ff21d9c75e6771d8e6dce2cc3e897
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-rmdir
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 281833
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-rmdir_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 282255
    SHA256sum: b32afca79ec26c74f4f71e04043167229b4650deb84eecd8380fbf0688997a70
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-seq
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 369558
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-seq_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 368465
    SHA256sum: f011f7fbbbe5caea48db653bad40234bf568171c1ccbaa3d1d3ea385b58e0178
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-shred
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 303762
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-shred_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 304312
    SHA256sum: 98f7a18f4cf89f9d8992bee25e4509547554b5d18f7eb3fdc27f58562f584b93
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-shuf
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 298163
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-shuf_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 298682
    SHA256sum: 5b32ddb6a03903dd453d6ec7182dd7978793107bffb203e1a8146b6b3096311b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-sleep
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 287054
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-sleep_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 287512
    SHA256sum: 56efa38e8840efd3d822cdb59971b7c974c732f3ab3983b3646dcfe64223a05f
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-sort
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 456910
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-sort_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 456625
    SHA256sum: fda439dadadf38ee8699b4d7f67c16bdb76123053e64f2bec5943c2f3c18f44a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-split
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 331060
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-split_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 331105
    SHA256sum: 74332efde4c715962ca0f950b37b73052d63f69baa29ebca9edf78e1a1293e91
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-stat
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 313301
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-stat_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 313546
    SHA256sum: 7bdf4a7afb058df7d3d0a570666a827c580c87abe06c151a0186efea80b807b7
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-sum
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 285345
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-sum_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 285639
    SHA256sum: 70feeb441be6ede922b2783b236c32ffc4fcd5fefdb62c652ec3c72a949d104a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-sync
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 281143
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-sync_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 281669
    SHA256sum: 8a77c21437c2a24568714baf89914f89485ede0376b7086d769f3c99a35a2ea6
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-tac
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 654597
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-tac_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 634073
    SHA256sum: 59cc37451dc1494c35978e97cf9688a7b20a6fe82992544e1625f0460bc5f2d0
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-tail
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 396922
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-tail_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 397044
    SHA256sum: 6244b35e32eb770e36d77473ae20b9c5f784e721cd5427d9819b9c49b449cbee
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-tee
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 287869
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-tee_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 288306
    SHA256sum: b771121ce7158dd10770b4a6fd0120dc06b88d40401b9580879d4fea46b2e81b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-test
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 285314
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-test_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 285886
    SHA256sum: 5f2c81a29ea0855b2fda50217df684df5273f6d0266363a389b3f41ad98b888d
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-timeout
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 323908
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-timeout_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 323931
    SHA256sum: 2f7c82e062575647f8423186b2661587a348141f40ab1e288e6dc4934dc71c76
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-touch
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 713379
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-touch_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 690853
    SHA256sum: 49fb959f0922f230884d2bb2d8b9c02e02aca5dba5bb90904e3614d0ad7e5e8b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-tr
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 302886
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-tr_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 303306
    SHA256sum: 50eafe0e5765db71410a93b09eb0529613c4152259558d3f4e0c929035e878c8
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-true
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 264052
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-true_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 264311
    SHA256sum: ffc4e2e3905574ee1179b57482fb1463ac01c4ca657701888768ba92af74d66b
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-truncate
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 285497
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-truncate_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 285978
    SHA256sum: 1266876bbf53397b85c0d66bc79aa7edbf504d405cb8e96f68a2d1086da87485
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-tsort
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 293794
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-tsort_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 294234
    SHA256sum: 3e9e2dfc9147baed2faec5c3f77e97896a7e8aac3fef54ad58aefe84e7415632
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-tty
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 271092
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-tty_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 271289
    SHA256sum: 74210a8b1e79ca67ebc8c4614313f8506cd19745150adab49a4d20288e32fcc8
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-uname
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 276858
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-uname_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 277300
    SHA256sum: 6cf7bd9c0e04b7a4764101e31cbc0688e3c43eb81a18166ed643ade226b62049
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-unexpand
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 290267
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-unexpand_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 290656
    SHA256sum: 95a5c0b83e888c29e5c8ca47bc2e346a9b0cd25d886ef66cc09fca0bba34cb49
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-uniq
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 306349
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-uniq_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 305446
    SHA256sum: 987c455bc050df54f46557295fba3cc2e4726a3fc4748daa4b0f13bf44b8e7ae
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-unlink
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 278578
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-unlink_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 279010
    SHA256sum: f0736bb0b3e8ddbda30b3ed87db1bbaf00ee79813100a4d95896ff3e21805362
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-uptime
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 332960
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-uptime_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 332015
    SHA256sum: 035fc7ef18f72e91616029a08724b78af86027aef0aeb469640249df148d016c
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-users
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 277334
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-users_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 277503
    SHA256sum: 249834a9810cb56b3f5d43fd52dca6a0ad7c00522d263054e3be25375d56c957
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-vdir
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 403836
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-vdir_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 402376
    SHA256sum: a9b3f0bc9da4b7d40f5b0f296f8e413c07bba71b09dcc64b31ae6f173f5881ed
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-wc
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 297925
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-wc_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 298329
    SHA256sum: 5f5c7f4ce5680b9e7115df58c7edda33783842cb38b826f815c9e4150e4179ad
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-who
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 313990
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-who_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 314327
    SHA256sum: 64f18e5232480e937577b3d1f59dd092f4698fca3003012329b14b4e2d7cc2b4
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-whoami
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 274887
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-whoami_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 275459
    SHA256sum: a1c47f7627b7bcc3a320d8ca1bfcb63731d35d67546a99ff6969f3d9b37c1e9a
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: uutils-coreutils-yes
    Version: 0.0.23-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, uutils-coreutils-full
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 275515
    Filename: uutils-coreutils-yes_0.0.23-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 275878
    SHA256sum: a91a41594ccf1a9bf6bc8e9ef8e2aa5ffc89d1b4c9775112255d16d65ad6ac87
    Description:  uutils coreutils is a cross-platform reimplementation of the GNU coreutils
     in Rust. While all programs have been implemented, some options might be
     missing or different behavior might be experienced.
    Package: vpncloud
    Version: 2.3.0-2
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: GPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1161384
    Filename: vpncloud_2.3.0-2_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1128180
    SHA256sum: 454c2804e1c1597b6343bc25a34c0bab0866873205a7c5c0a7a30347709ef35c
    Description:  VpnCloud is a high performance peer-to-peer mesh VPN over UDP supporting
     strong encryption, NAT traversal and a simple configuration. It establishes
     a fully-meshed self-healing VPN network in a peer-to-peer manner with strong
     end-to-end encryption based on elliptic curve keys and AES-256. VpnCloud
     creates a virtual network interface on the host and forwards all received
     data via UDP to the destination. It can work on TUN devices (IP based) and
     TAP devices (Ethernet based).
    Package: wg-netmanager
    Version: 0.5.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 610021
    Filename: wg-netmanager_0.5.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 607328
    SHA256sum: 8cc99d6547ad1a6e9f1058b58f9c4fd24ff7239f44e905e5cefa341f4be89840
    Description:  Wireguard network manager.
    Package: wireguard-rs
    Version: 0.1.1-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: BSD
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 706636
    Filename: wireguard-rs_0.1.1-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 685565
    SHA256sum: d978744f74cbadc2c68b235c1ce58e5b9beccbee8139f74667c785300c2fa140
    Description:  Cross-platform high-performance userspace implementation of WireGuard in Rust.
    Package: wstunnel
    Version: 8.5.4-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, ca-certificates
    License: BSD-3-Clause
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2093314
    Filename: wstunnel_8.5.4-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2065570
    SHA256sum: 1243a5e6773bbb68280afaab94440c9afcfcca36f05d416ce1271785cb1fd1b4
    Description:  Tunneling over websocket protocol.
    Package: xcompress
    Version: 0.12.5-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 348939
    Filename: xcompress_0.12.5-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 349179
    SHA256sum: 9d2d6503e9508d1435b87c73d475030ff9096abff4938546551e52c6e0a2c280
    Description:  XCompress is a free file archiver utility on Linux,
     providing multi-format archiving to and extracting
     from ZIP, Z, GZIP, BZIP2, LZ, XZ, LZMA, 7ZIP, TAR,
     RAR and ZSTD.
    Package: xplr
    Version: 0.21.5-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, luajit
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 1672504
    Filename: xplr_0.21.5-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 1646999
    SHA256sum: 715b8cf0d34590819db74aad05757bf5825bd87e375a5bfae7faaefcbc374607
    Description:  A hackable, minimal, fast TUI file explorer.
    Package: ytop
    Version: 0.6.2-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 704007
    Filename: ytop_0.6.2-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 698494
    SHA256sum: 0c0b241b9ceaf35fd2f7c4e5ed233aa03be5103c3f4cb409a2b3b0017610abc1
    Description:  Another TUI based system monitor, this time in Rust!
    Package: yvers
    Version: 0.0.5-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: admin
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 654288
    Filename: yvers_0.0.5-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 651789
    SHA256sum: ab52d6889cd0844cd265cd8e9e15869210a0770a9653d8eab5a0d225d81aba9a
    Description:  Yvers is a new extensible TUI system monitor and a Linux Process
     Manager based on ytop with numerous improvements and the addition
     of the capability to dynamically add widgets created by the community.
    Package: zenith
    Version: 0.12.0-1
    Depends: libc, libssp, librt, libpthread
    License: MIT
    Section: utils
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 665988
    Filename: zenith_0.12.0-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 661093
    SHA256sum: 32c130f661078d3e166ae31804ca1c2691b0262e4bb7c96e9516b0ad625a4f81
    Description:  In terminal graphical metrics for your *nix system written in Rust.
    Package: ztui
    Version: 0.1.7-1
    Depends: zerotier, libc, libssp, librt, libpthread, libopenssl
    License: AGPL-3.0-or-later
    Section: net
    Architecture: mips-3.4
    Installed-Size: 2066126
    Filename: ztui_0.1.7-1_mips-3.4.ipk
    Size: 2052823
    SHA256sum: f026e4e67c92beba7ffc6ef92422b7e5d8716d75e96be30361868157e3e24224
    Description:  ztui aims to be a frontend for all interactions with ZeroTier
     in an attempt to transform how people work with it.


    из всего этого "хлама", в OpenWrt завезли:


    NB Для нек-рых пакетов нужны шрифты Nerd Fonts в хостовой системе (как поставить и прикрутить к терминалу, смотрим маны к своей ОС).

    NB Официально не поддерживаемые



    mips / mipsel


    А, теперь, полный экстрим - arti (new tor) на mips(be)
    mips`ы официально не поддерживаются, неофициально тоже )))

    ~ # arti proxy -c /opt/etc/arti/arti-config.toml
    2024-01-08T12:16:40Z INFO arti: Starting Arti 1.1.11 in SOCKS proxy mode on localhost port 9150 ...
    2024-01-08T12:16:40Z INFO arti_client::client: Using keystore from "/opt/root/.local/share/arti/keystore"
    2024-01-08T12:17:40Z INFO tor_dirmgr: Marked consensus usable.
    2024-01-08T12:17:44Z INFO tor_guardmgr::guard: We have found that guard [77.x.x.x:9001+ ed25519:uH?] is usable. 
    2024-01-08T12:17:45Z INFO tor_dirmgr: Loaded a good directory from cache.
    2024-01-08T12:17:45Z INFO arti: Sufficiently bootstrapped; system SOCKS now functional.
    2024-01-08T12:17:45Z INFO arti::socks: Listening on [::1]:9150.
    2024-01-08T12:17:45Z INFO arti::socks: Listening on
    2024-01-08T12:17:59Z INFO tor_guardmgr::guard: We have found that guard [77.x.x.x:448 ed25519:/O?] is usable. 
    2024-01-08T12:18:01Z INFO tor_dirmgr: Marked consensus usable.
    2024-01-08T12:18:11Z INFO tor_dirmgr: Directory is complete. attempt=1
    ~ # curl -x socks5h:// -s https://check.torproject.org/api/ip && echo
    ~ # 

    Взять на потыкать можно тута: aarch64 / mips / mipsel


    @Le ecureuil прав на все 100500 - эта (rust) дрянь редкостная, но в защиту можно сказать, что сей язык (проекты на нём) не одинок. Той же фигнёй (скачать пол тырьнета) страдают и go, и node-js, в меньшей степени python, чтоб собрать бинарник или проект. И, если в каком-то модуле (зависимости) что-то сломано - кирдык всему. + он действительно "безопасный" - нельзя сломать то, чего нет, а нет потому, что нет поддержки (она есть только на бумаге, как суслик), а, если нет поддержки, собрать невозможно... )))

    @Skrill0 интересовалась пакетом leaf, к-рый теперь собран в 2-х вариантах - с ring и c openssl (leaf-ring и leaf-ssl соотв.).

    • Thanks 2
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