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  1. sergeyk's post in KN-1810 sometimes stops working. Fw 3.9.3 was marked as the answer   
    You may reduce the effect if you will exclude https and TLS protocols from your ping check profile mode setting. 
  2. sergeyk's post in System operating modes in the component list ?? was marked as the answer   
    In models manufactured with two system modes (router/extender) it is not allowed to change a system mode set.
  3. sergeyk's post in 3.9 Alpha 7 на Keenetic Giga III не обновляет OS was marked as the answer   
    С помощью процедуры обновления через файл, например этот.
  4. sergeyk's post in Reset: How to reset System Components? was marked as the answer   
    @rAcKShen A factory firmware comes with a minimal set of components. You may install it from the cloud by the following commands:
    components list components preset minimal components commit First command gets a components list from a server. Each component may be included in a specific preset. For example, "base" component is in "minimal" and "recommended" presets:
    component: name: base ... preset: minimal preset: recommended Second command selects components from the "minimal" preset only.
    Third runs a cloud request and installs the firmware with the selected components.
  5. sergeyk's post in Simple Wi-Fi Access Point: No LLDP? was marked as the answer   
    You may use
    interface {name} lldp disable specifically to your case
    interface Home lldp disable should disable LLDP.
    Do not forget to save the configuration
    copy running-config startup-config  
  6. sergeyk's post in Режим "Сервер" для VDSL was marked as the answer   
    Нельзя. Производитель чипа EN7512, реализующего DSL в устройствах KN-2010 и KN-2110, не заявляет такой поддержки.
  7. sergeyk's post in Новый веб - аналог web.tc was marked as the answer
  8. sergeyk's post in RCI Reboot was marked as the answer   
    GET-запрос возвращает настройки, связанные с этой командой (пустой объект). Чтобы выполнить команду, а не получать настройки, нужно послать POST:
    wget --user=admin --password=1234 --post-data='{}'  
  9. sergeyk's post in Усовершенствование системного журнала Syslog was marked as the answer   
    (config)> system log server Usage template: server {address[:port]} Этот же пункт может решить проблему 4.
  10. sergeyk's post in Изоляция клиентов внутри одной подсети was marked as the answer   
    Давно реализована
  11. sergeyk's post in HTTPS SSL и удаленный доступ was marked as the answer   
  12. sergeyk's post in Пропал виртуальный канал PVC после обновления was marked as the answer   
    У вас установлен модуль поддержки UsbDsl (Keenetic Plus DSL) на Keenetic DSL.
    Модуль UsbDsl мешает работе встроенного интерфейса Adsl0.
  13. sergeyk's post in Файлы конфигурации в корне диска при доступе по FTP was marked as the answer   
    По FTP они доступны всегда, если вы заходите под пользователем admin.
    Это полные аналоги файлов, доступных через Web.
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